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  • 商品名稱:嬰兒臍帶插管模型
    貨號:040040 型號:LF02093U
    價格(元):0 產地:美國


    Baby Umbi

    Neonatal umbilical cord catheterization
    Female newborn infant reproduction designed for the practice of umbilical catheterization.

    Retractable umbilical cord for actual catheterization
    Two arteries and vein molded into umbilical cord facilitate:
    Low UAC
    High UAC
    Umbilical Vein Catheter
    Securing and dressing procedures may be practiced




    您只要致電:021-64188321 021-64188291 021-64176268 021-64188033
    我們可以幫您推薦符合您要求的嬰兒臍帶插管模型 LF02093U相關產品!


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     電話:021-64188291 021-64188321 021-64176268 傳真:021-64188033 E-mail:shyilian@126.com
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